
Independent analyst, consultant, and co-host of the China EVs & More podcast. Passionate about EV/autonomous driving/mobility, Lei specializes in the rapidly evolving Chinese auto market, especially the EV, AV and mobility space. As editor-in-chief of China Automotive Review (later discontinued), the only English-language tabloid magazine exclusively focused on the Chinese auto market, he covered the Chinese auto industry on the ground (based in Beijing) for 20 years. Lei holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and an MBA from Babson College. He currently resides in Massachusetts, USA. Lei can be contacted at leixing77@gmail.com.
- 所属会社/組織
China EVs & More Podcast/ China EVs などを共同主催
- 専門分野
Independent Chinese auto industry analyst/consultant with over 20 years of on the ground experience covering the industry/ 中国自動車業界の独立系アナリスト・コンサルタント。20年以上に渡る経験に裏打ちされた、業界への深い造詣を持つ。
- ホームページ

10 newsworthy EV debuts at CES 2022

The Chinese electric trucking scene